12.82 MW Bundled Small Hydoropower Project in Qiandongnan Autonomous Region, Guizhou Province, P.R. China

Country Description of the Project Commenting Period
People's Republic of China The 12.82 MW Bundled Small Hydropower Project is located at Qiandongnan Autonomous Region, Guizhou Province, P.R.China. It consists of Jinping Sandengkan small hydropower plant, Majingao small hydropower plant, Sancengdong small hydropower plant, and Wawadong (I) small hydropower plant. The total installed capacity of the Bundled Project is 12.82 MW. Closed
01 Nov. 2007-
30 Nov. 2007


▼なぜ日本は温室効果ガス排出量を2030年までに2013年度と比べて46%削減しようとしているの? 10年もないのに本当に達成できるの?(国立環境研究所)